But even in this and in all things, God is so good! And I have so much to praise Him for! I am so thankful for a husband who purposefully and diligently loves and cares for me everyday! I am thankful for the many prayers of those brothers and sisters in Christ, both near and far! And, of course, I am so very thankful for the blessing that God is kniting together in my womb!
No words can describe the emotions felt when I saw our child for the first time! Tears streamed down my face as we heard the heart beat, and as we saw our quite active little one moving about! Joy overcame me! Though I believed God was growing a child in me, nothing could describe what it was like to see and hear the child... these trials endured over the past weeks had not been in vain! Ah, what a sweet foretaste of what is to come when I see my Savior for the first time! When my faith shall be sight!
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. II Corinthians 4: 16-18
Congratulations you guys! Hope everyone feels healthy soon!
Looking forward to meeting Baby Kengla!
COngratulations!! We are so excited for you both...little ones are so precious!! The atkinsons are praying for you!
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about this little one! I am excited for you and Carlos, you'll be wonderful parents.. I'm excited for your families.. what a blessing this baby will be! Plus, I'm excited for me.. I get to be an "auntie" for the first time.. I love you.. ALL OF YOU!! Praying for you daily!!!
Hey! Congrats! Hang in there...we will be praying for you! Take care and keep us posted!
Congrats, you guys! Mary Beth, hang in there!... your description of first trimester sounds very similar to mine. It's difficult beyond words!! Week 9 seemed to be the worst for me. I know it seems like an eternity now, but in just a few weeks, it'll just be a distant memory. I know you're probably sick of people offering you advise (nothing people advised me with helped - it was THAT bad!), but I figured a few things out trial-and-error... feel free to e-mail me if I can help... drenstrom@gmail.com
random phone conversations we share are nothing short of HILARIOUS!! what a joy to think about the random phone conversations with a baby giggling in the background we will have in just a few months :) i love you and am so happy for you and c! consider yourself on the "top of my list"..... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! :-p
Mary Beth - Keep your eternal perspective! GOD is always faithful . . . so good to read a post from you to know what is going on. Will pray more specifically. For many the 14 week mark reduces sickness immensely - hopefully it will be that way for you. Our best to you and your precious family.
Mike, Kimberly and kiddos
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